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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Color Of Crime

Much has been said in the last few days following the Travon Martin case about race and how race relates to crime. I felt it needful to share these statistical charts. These are U.S. Census Bureau statistics from Chicago in 2010, so they are quite recent. The first shows the racial demographics of Chicago. The ones following show assorted crimes and which races are committing them. No further comments are necessary.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Media Misrepresentation Of The Trayvon Martin Case

Amidst all the hype related to the Trayvon Martin case, there is a bit of misrepresentation that needs to be cleared up. The photo of the baby faced African American teen is a four year old photo.

Here are some more accurate representations of the over six foot tall football player who was shot during the course of his assault of Robert Zimmerman, who can be heard screaming for help on the 911 tape shortly before firing the shot that resulted in the death of Martin.

This is being reported as though Zimmerman hunted a baby faced little teenager and shot him in cold blood. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why Chemical Engineers Don't Write Recipe Books


532.35 cm3 gluten

4.9 cm3 NaHCO3

4.9 cm3 refined halite

236.6 cm3 partially hydrogenated tallow triglyceride

177.45 cm3 crystalline C12H22O11

177.45 cm3 unrefined C12H22O11

4.9 cm3 methyl ether of protocatechuic aldehyde

Two calcium carbonate-encapsulated avian albumen-coated

473.2 cm3 theobroma cacao 236.6 cm3 de-encapsulated legume
meats (sieve size #10)

To a 2-L jacketed round reactor vessel (reactor #1) with an
overall heat transfer coefficient of about 100 BTU/F-ft2-hr,
add ingredients one, two, and three with constant agitation.

In a second 2-L reactor vessel with a radial flow impeller
operating at 100 rpm, add ingredients four, five, six, and
seven until the mixture is homogenous.

To reactor #2, add ingredient eight, followed by three equal
volumes of the homogenous mixture in reactor #1.
Additionally, add ingredient nine and ten slowly, with
constant agitation. Care must be taken at this point in the
reaction to control any temperature rise that may be the
result of an exothermic reaction.

Using a screw extrude attached to a #4 nodulizer, place the
mixture piece-meal on a 316SS sheet (300 x 600 mm). Heat in
a 460K oven for a period of time that is in agreement with
Frank & Johnston's first order rate expression (see JACOS,
21, 55), or until golden brown.

Once the reaction is complete, place the sheet on a 25C
heat-transfer table, allowing the product to come to equilibrium.

~Author Unknown

My take on Ron Paul

If I suddenly have the urge to vote for an islam-appeaser who wants to see Israel wiped off the map, has no problem at all with a nuclear weaponized Iran, and thinks that the United States is an imperial force of evil in the world, I'll just vote for Obama, because at that point, the less-crazy metric points to the guy who DOESN'T think 9/11 was an inside job.
( Just kidding, If it came down to Obama or Paul, I'd vote for Donald Duck as a write in. I would never, ever vote for Obama or Ron Paul)

As I pondered on Ron Paul's foreign policy, I was reminded of this quote by John Stuart Mill. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse."