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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lawlessness At The State Of The Union Address

Michelle Obama is among a number of at least five people with no regard for the law. They are all Democrats who are bringing illegal immigrants to the State of the Union, according to reports:

– First lady Michelle Obama, in total disrespect for the law, is hosting Alan Aleman, a 20-year-old illegal immigrant from Nevada as one of her guests. Under new administration rules which violate the immigration laws, Aleman’s deportation proceedings have been deferred because he was brought into the country while he was under the age of 16.

– Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, who thinks he is above the law, has invited 19-year-old Ambar Pinto, an illegal immigrant who goes to Northern Virginia Community College despite the criminal status, as his guest.

– Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, who is such a rabid supporter of criminals that he has been arrested for protesting lawful deportations, is bringing 27-year-old Gabino Sanchez, a criminal immigrant who lives in South Carolina and is fighting deportation, as his guest.

– Texas Democratic Rep. Marc Veasey, who is from a border state and knows about the problems caused by criminal aliens but simply does not care, has invited 32-year-old Julieta Garibay, a criminal immigrant who moved to Austin from Mexico with her family when she was 12, as his guest.

– Florida Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor, who also obviously approves of lawlessness, has invited Jose Godinez-Samperio, who has made news for trying to obtain a law license despite being a criminal immigrant.

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