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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Media Misrepresentation Of The Trayvon Martin Case

Amidst all the hype related to the Trayvon Martin case, there is a bit of misrepresentation that needs to be cleared up. The photo of the baby faced African American teen is a four year old photo.

Here are some more accurate representations of the over six foot tall football player who was shot during the course of his assault of Robert Zimmerman, who can be heard screaming for help on the 911 tape shortly before firing the shot that resulted in the death of Martin.

This is being reported as though Zimmerman hunted a baby faced little teenager and shot him in cold blood. Nothing could be farther from the truth.


  1. So,he wasn't a baby-faced teen carrying a bag of Skittles candy and a bottle of Snapple walking home alone at night from a convenience store,he was a big,intimidating teen carrying a bag of Skittles candy and a bottle of Snapple walking home alone at night from a convenience store,who was ordered by a heavy-set,disheveled,unshaven stranger standing by a car and carrying a large club-like flashlight to come over to him.Uh-huh.

  2. The sad thing about it is that even after more facts (which the mainstream media should have dug into and uncovered for themselves) have come out, there has been no apology forthcoming from either the media or race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson. The media has their own agenda, I'm sure. Their main focus has been to take advantage of the times when a person has to defend himself with a gun, and use that as an opportunity to disarm law abiding Americans. The racists like Jackson and Sharpton, and racist organizations like the NAACP and the Black Panthers are good about stirring up all the trouble they can then disappearing into the sunset leaving a bunch a innocent victims in their wake to clean up the mess.


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