Obama is at it again, nominating candidates who are just like him. That is, with no experience and completely unqualified save for their liberalism. Kagan is expected to be confirmed to the Supreme Court by the end of the month. Looks like the good old Republicans won't have the nerve to try to filibuster her nomination. I'm quite sure a filibuster would not work because the Republicans are outnumbered. Especially when we have a group of RINO's such as Olympia Snowe, Scott Brown, and Susan Collins, who can be expected to cave in and vote with the Liberal Democrats.Here is what Kagan had to offer as her experience:
"I bring up a lifetime of learning and study of the law, and particularly of the constitutional and administrative law issues that form the core of the court's docket," she testified. "I think I bring up some of the communications skills that has made me -- I'm just going to say it -- a famously excellent teacher." Read more: http://blog.beliefnet.com/jesuscreed/2010/05/elena-kagan-nomination.html#ixzz0tnmksLx9
Yea, right. Obama was a student of Constitutional law law, has communication skills (as long as his teleprompter is working), and in addition to that, he was a community organizer. We all see what a horrid president he is turning out to be. Will Kagan be any better on the Supreme Court than Obama is in the White House? It is doubtful. she is undoubtedly a clone of Obama, or he would not have nominated her.
I will admit that since she is taking a liberal's place on the Supreme Court, that we probably won't be any worse off than we are now. What is scary is that this is a lifetime appointment, and we have no way of knowing how many more Supreme Court Justices Obama will be able to nominate before his term ends.
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