Sometime Last week, the Iowa Tea Party had this billboard put up on a busy highway in downtown Mason City, Iowa. Immediately, the complaints started coming in. The billboard even drew sharp criticism by other state and national tea party leaders. They criticized the Iowa Tea Party for placing Socialist wanna be Dictator Obama's picture between Communist Dictator Mao, and Nazi Dictator Hitler. So what, exactly, is the problem with the billboard? I seem to remember a time in the not so distant past, we had a President named George W. Bush. Remember him? Miss him? I thought so. Anyhow, Bush had some policies that those on the left disagreed with. Did you ever see the pictures of Bush with a Hitler moustache? What about the Bush Monkey picture? They were out there. People just didn't make such a big deal over them.
Now the shoe is on the other foot, and we have a liberal Socialistic UnAmerican President. Pictures started cropping up of Obama with a Hitler Mustache, and suddenly that is very improper. We can't compare Obama to Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Marx, or any of the other former dictators whom Obama emulates. We can't put a picture up of Obama Monkey because you know what? That's racist.
The billboard even drew sharp criticism by other state and national tea party leaders. Instead of sticking up for the Iowa Tea Party like they should have done, they started being critical of it. Why? Because they were afraid of offending someone. They were afraid of someone saying it's racist to compare Obama to Hitler and Mao. They were afraid of Queen Nazi Pelosi making another big speech about seeing Hitler signs all across the country.
That is one of the problems in our society and in our Nation today. It is referred to as Political Correctness. It's not politically correct to have a billboard comparing Obama to Hitler and Mao. It's not politically correct to call attention to the fact that we have a Socialist in our White House. It's not politically correct to talk about the disturbing similarities between Obama and Hitler. We Christians and Conservatives have never really took a stand, because we don't like for people to call us Racist, Right Wing Radicals, Intolerant, or any of the other names they chose to call us. We like to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings.
We have come to a time when we have got to take a stand for ourselves. We have got to stop shying away from the truth. We can't always talk about sunshine and roses, and try to paint a pretty picture when we see where Obama and the Democrats are taking this country. Our silence is what has gotten us into the shape we are in now. The Iowa Tea Party group should have held their ground and said "We are not going to take the sign down, because it is the truth". I know that sometimes the truth hurts, but we have got to get to the point where we are not afraid we will offend someone. We are in a struggle for the survival of America. We have got to be just as outspoken and just as radical for our cause as the Liberals are for theirs.
I'm glad to see all the Tea Party groups out on the streets protesting. That's what we've got to do more of, fight fire with fire. Everyone knows the liberals have been out in the streets long enough. It's time for Conservatives to be out there too. However, what good is it going to do to be out there if we start backpedaling every time someone claims they got their feelings hurt? Some people wear their feelings on their sleeve and get their feelings hurt if you even look at them. There is always going to be someone who don't like what you have to say. If they see that we will back down, they will use it to silence us. They are already calling us racists and bigoted in an attempt to silence us. If we let them silence us, we will lose our country for sure. It's going to be a struggle to pull our country back from the brink as it is. We sure can't let them make us retreat. If we retreat, we will soon lose our freedom.
It is high time for us to make up our minds that freedom is worth fighting for, speaking out for, and hurting feelings for. After all, you can't lose when truth is on your side.Who knows, we might even shock a few liberals into opening their eyes.

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