Obama admin has issued a new moratorium on deepwater drilling through Nov 30. Read Senator David Vitter's comments, then join the Rally for Economic Survival: Lift the Moratorium on Facebook.
You can find Senator Vitter's comments here.
We have had presidents before who were not too wise, but we have never had a president who was just plain stupid until now. He makes Bill Clinton, and even Jimmy Carter look like a genius. The moratorium on deepwater drilling is costing America thousands of jobs and is putting many more at risk. We are asking that the moratorium be lifted immediately.

All of this is an orchestrated effort to shove Cap and Tax down our throats, just like the invasion from our south due to the inaction of our Federal Government is being used to push amnesty for criminal immigrants. Obama and the Dummocrats are determined to push the economy destroying cap and trade bill, which will raise the costs of anything related to the natural gas, petroleum, and coal industries. In other words, the cost of almost everything will rise. They are determined to destroy this country one way or the other. We have got to fight this at the polls in November, and any other way we can, or we can forget about our children and grandchildren inheriting the once great nation that we grew up in.

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