This week, NAACP leaders introduced a resolution at their annual convention attacking America's new racial boogerman: the tea party movement. The NAACP resolution asks its chapters across the country to "repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties" and stand against the tea party's attempt to "push our country back to the pre-civil rights era." Okay, the resolution passed last night, declaring the Tea Party movement to be racist, despite evidence to the contrary. Is is interesting for me to note that there are many African American Patriots in the Tea Party movement.
I want to know something, maybe someone from the National Association for the Advancement of Correct Politics (aka political correctness) can help me understand. When did it become racist to oppose the policies of a president, just because the president happens to have dark skin? We are not taking a stand against Obama's policies because he is black. We are standing up against his policies because they are disastrous policies that can only harm our great country. They are hurling accusations of racist signs, and the use of racial insults. I want to see some evidence. Andrew Breitbart has offered a $100,000 reward to any person who can provide evidence of racism. Guess what, there have been no takers. In other words, the evidence don't exist.
Something that I find interesting is that the NAACP lobbied the White House and the justice department to drop charges of voter intimidation against The New Black Panther Party, which is a racist organization. I expect the NAACP to pass a resolution calling the New Black Panther Party a racist organization any day now. Right about the time when pigs fly.

Here are some of the appalling comments coming from Minister King Samir Shabazz(can you believe he actually has the nerve to call himself a minister? Worse yet, other people refer to him as minister) of the New Black Panther Party. Can you believe a man of any color is getting away with saying stuff like this? "You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!" and this zinger: "I hate white people – all of them! Every last iota of a cracker, I hate 'em," and this: "Through South Street with white, dirty, cracker [censored] [expletive] on our arms. And we call ourselves black men with African garb on." Here's what he had to say in a 2008 interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer: "I'm about the total destruction of white people. I'm about the total liberation of black people. I hate white people. I hate my enemy. ..."
Why hasn't the NAACP, or any other African American group for that matter, called Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party out on this racism? The NAACP, I might add, is a racist organization in itself if you want to get technical. If a white man formed the NAAWP, he would be in court by the end of the week, yet they can have an NAACP, which is exclusively for the promotion of "Colored" people
Okay, back to the Black Panthers. National Geographic describes the New Black Panther Party as "a militant hate group headquartered in Washington, D.C., that seeks to redefine the black struggle for equality and demand liberation from what it sees as white supremacy." Did you see that? A "militant hate group". I don't want to hear a word about the Tea Party being racist until they do something about some of the real racists here in America, Namely the New Black panther Party, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, and might I add, the NAACP.
One other thing, If they insist on calling white people "Crackers", then I don't want to hear any complaints the next time one of them gets called the "N word".

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